Adventures of The Village Bandipur and Ramkot

Let’s start with the bus ride. Imagine being on a tourist bus, with hardly any seatbelts working, leaving at 07:00 in the morning. You have to travel 150 km from Kathmandu to reach Bandipur. I know the roads are not in good shape, and I expected a 3-hour drive… 7 hours later, the bus arrives at the most beautiful village. The village is filled with clean air, and nice weather, and surrounded by mountains. 

I stayed at the 3-star Depche Village Resort which is outside the square, more on the quiet side where you can hear birds chirping in the morning and insects at night. I had a room with a view and faced the most beautiful mountain range and the most amazing view while having breakfast, which is freshly prepared for you every morning. 

There is a small square filled with many restaurants and a handful of shops. Souvenirs are available, plenty of water, beer, and snack options. My favourite restaurant was Samay Baji, serving a wide range of curries, momos, and Newari food, to name a few. I loved the vegetable curry.

So what can you do in Bandipur? Well, most trekkers come here after trekking to rest, which is a great place to take time out. I felt that I did not see so many tourists as the trekking season started. I enjoyed the quietness of the square.

I only had two nights in Bandipur. Due to the long bus ride, we arrived rather late in the day and I opted for a stroll through the square and having a very late lunch for my first day. I got back to the hotel and spent some time admiring the view with a Nepalese beer and enjoying the sunset.

What is a visit to another country without experiencing the sunset and the sun rising? I got up early on my second day for the sunrise at 06:00 with a cup of Two Terriers coffee I bought from South Africa. I know the coffee in your hotel room is normally not the greatest. Enjoying a decent cup of coffee while enjoying the sunrise is the best way to start your day. I followed with an outdoor meditation session with the birds chirping. What more do you need?

I decided to hike to Ramkot, a village around 4 km one way if you do not take some wrong turns. Some spots had a few steep uphills, while others were steep downhills. The view was magnificent. It was really hot and I got a tan I did not bargain for. The Ramkot village is small, filled with many houses, families busy working or spending time with each other on their terraces. Many dogs, chickens, and a few goats were roaming around. Some of the pathways were filled with the most beautiful flowers and butterflies. I have chatted to some of the locals, which at times was very hard to understand. The village is still a traditional village. 

I have tried to find my way out of the village and back on the road to get back to Bandipur but only after my fourth attempt from various locals, I managed to get out of the village. I think each one has its shortcut but for a tourist, it is not so easy to figure out. I made it out and had to face many uphills going back. While taking a break to eat the biscuits and Pringles I packed, the most beautiful butterfly came resting on my leg for quite some time. We do not have many butterflies where I stay and I enjoyed this special experience.

I have only seen five more hikers when coming back. I decided to add the Mini Great Wall of Nepal. The pathway isn’t maintained making it hard at times to walk as I wasn’t sure what I would be stepping on or in. Once on the top, you have the most beautiful view of Bandipur. On the top is the Thani Mai temple.

Afterward, I went down to the square for some lunch but first I ordered an ice-cold Nepalese beer. A day well spent, watching the sunset over the mountains with a takeaway pizza for dinner. Yes, I was a bit lazy and got dinner when I got lunch. 

The next morning after breakfast, I was taking the bus back to Kathmandu which was a better and shorter return ride.

I highly recommend visiting Bandipur for at least two nights but a maximum of three nights, eating at Samay Baji, staying at Depche Village Resort for quietness, and taking a tourist bus. You get to meet new people on the bus, and you share experiences and what to do with each other.

When going hiking, remember to apply sunscreen. Take water and snacks with you – there are no shops on the hiking route. Lastly, take in the scenery. Stop for a few minutes, take a few deep breaths, and enjoy! 

Travel love
